Text reads Stronger U plus THRIVE Lifeline. 
Their respective logos are in the corners. Background is dark green gradient. 
On the left and right sides are light green outlines of leaves on a stick.

THRIVE Lifeline is a fully volunteer-led organization. We make our work sustainable by focusing our volunteer services on the provision of our lifeline and free community resources. For people who are interested in non-carceral services besides our lifeline, THRIVE partners with Stronger U through a revenue sharing model. Stronger U provides THRIVE with funds, free volunteer training, and free community peer support options. If you are looking for customized paid services, Stronger U also offers a discount to our greater THRIVE communities. Stronger U provides a variety of non-carceral-based workshops, educational resources, group and individual mental wellness coaching, in-person peer mental health support, and a variety of other full-service organizational projects. Contact and mention THRIVE for more information.

Click here for a calendar of our partnered events

Some examples of services that our partnership with Stronger U has helped us to provide include:

Free Peer Support


Group Coaching Programs

Individual Coaching

For people who have longer term and more personalized support needs, mental wellness coaching is available in a variety of packages

Organizational Projects

Customizable to your organization’s needs and budget