Where is THRIVE Lifeline located?

The 313 area code is registered to Detroit, MI, but our Crisis Responders are located globally, throughout multiple countries and time zones.

What is THRIVE’s Emergency Response policy?

THRIVE Lifeline does not call emergency services for people that are at risk of harming themselves without their consent. However, we are obligated to report credible threats of homicide to the proper authorities if deescalation isn’t possible.

We recognize that calling emergency response services may not be ideal in every scenario. For more localized help, the following resources may be beneficial:

What is THRIVE’s mandatory reporting policy?

We are mandated reporters for child abuse and elder abuse. Being a mandated reporter means that we will file a report if you share specific details necessary for filing that report. Whether or not you share this information is completely voluntary.

What if I’m under 18?

For legal reasons, THRIVE Lifeline serves people that are 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 and need support, we recommend reaching out to Boys Town National Hotline (call +1.800.448.3000 or text VOICE to 20121). If you are a minor and are seeking support for LGBTQ2S+ issues, we recommend reaching out to The Trevor Project (call +1.866.488.7386 or text START to 678-678).

How do I end an interaction with THRIVE?

You can text “STOP” to end a conversation at any time. Our Crisis Responders will not respond further, and there will not be a message verifying that you have decided to stop messaging us. If you otherwise share that you’re now busy and need to go, we will end the conversation.

Two people are sitting at a desk. 
One person is texting and the other person is on their computer.